The Missouri Aviation Historical Society will hold its July meeting on Thursday, July 16th at 7:00 P.M. The meeting will feature two Archie League award recipients, along with history of Missourian Archie League and the ATC system. View flyer below for complete details, and click here for driving directions. Free admission. STAY TUNED FOR UDPATES! Listen to the emergency audio:
Emergency Landing
2 posts
An F-18 headed to Spirit of St. Louis Airport, where MOAVHIST founder Dan O’Hara call’s his office, was diverted to Scott AFB, and eventually Lambert Airport because of inclement weather conditions around the area in April 2012. However the pilot (Brandon Gasser) became dangerously low on fuel, and began to consider dumping the aircraft in the Mississippi River unless he made a quick landing. ATC controllers Kevin Cook and Steve Clark […]