Greater St. Louis air and Space Museum

4 posts

50th Anniversary of Project Gemini

The Missouri Aviation Historical Society was thrilled to formally hold a fiftieth anniversary celebration of the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation’s Project Gemini program on Thursday, June 18th. Designed and built in St. Louis, Missouri, project Gemini became one of the most important aspects of the NASA space program. Held as a direct sequel to our Project Mercury celebration in 2013, former engineers and communication experts re-joined together for a live Q&A panel […]

January Meeting: 40th Anniversary of the F-15 ‘Streak Eagle’ Flights

MOAVHIST kicked off the new year with another anniversary, this time celebrating 40 years since the record breaking McDonnell Douglas F-15 ‘Streak Eagle’ flights, known for breaking eight time to climb records over a two week period in January 1975. Among the special attendees included former workers, family members, engineers, and Eagle pilots. The society was also payed a special visit by St. Louis Science Center representatives; President and CEO Bert Vescolani, Chief […]

60th Anniversary of the F-101 Voodoo

The Missouri Aviation Historical Society hosted a special day of events on November 15th, 2014 celebrating the 60th anniversary of the McDonnell F-101 Voodoo. Former engineers, test pilots, workers, and enthusiasts converged from across the country to celebrate. The event was hosted on location at the James J. Eagan Civic Center in Florissant, Missouri which contains one of two F-101 displays in the Greater St. Louis Area. The chilly autumn day began with […]

MOAVHIST Attends St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase

Members of the Missouri Aviation Historical Society, HEC-TV, and the Greater St. Louis Air and Space Museum recently attended the St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase held annually at the Tivoli Theater off Delmar. The recent episode of ‘Impact’ which featured Tom Mohan’s Honor Flight was screened in the ‘Best Documentary-Short’ category. Members of Tom Mohan’s family were also in attendance to witness the special on the big screen. The honor flight took place […]